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Writer's pictureRwarr Gaming

New Page and New Adventures!

It's taking a fair amount of time but the new page here is coming along and just in time for spring...well technically we are in spring now but it definitely does not show outside. I am hoping that soon we will have more tweety birds around like this lil guy above...last year we had a bit more snow and a lot more cold days it seemed so the little birds all came to get some extra food and hide out in the birdfeeders to escape the wind. This year has been fairly mild as far as cold and snow go up here and I have not seen nearly as many of them that I usually do. We are just now starting to warm up and get into a little more spring like weather tho so its likely well see more in the near future as they return north from their winter adventures... While it has been a bit warmer lately there is still far too much snow to begin much in the way of garden prep however I may soon start to plan out the plots. After having a lot of success last year with the greenhouse I decided to purchase another larger one and this year I hope to have the bulk of the bucket garden inside the greenhouse and I can see how things perform compared to the usual traditional garden in the ground. I hope to keep this page updated regularly on garden happenings and progress to document some of the tests I want to run this year. Last year I set up a couple different types of Compost and am interested in seeing whether the solid or liquid works better...I also had a worm farm last year and put all their castings into the ground garden so hopefully it gets a little boost. I want to do a few different tests by planting similar seedlings into different buckets in the greenhouse and so far my idea is to do two different rows. One row's base will be regular ground dirt and the other row will be based with GrowMix then I will add more buckets and have one of each with Nothing Added, Cow Fertilizer, My Solid Fertilizer, and My Liquid Fertilizer for a total of 8 buckets. I need to try and get 8 very similarly sized plants...most likely going to use cherry tomatoes for these tests as I usually have good luck with them anyway and we can judge the bucket's "success" by looking at the overall plants health and also by how many tomatoes they each produce through the season.

For now tho this is all a waiting game and we need to try to just be prepared and not start too early and get all my seedlings stunted because they couldn't go out and get planted into larger containers until it's too late.

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